Looking to make contact with more web users and gain more web traction? Team Phun has you covered! Our Google Ads digital service allows your company to gain access to a steady stream of new customers. Our service can be an integral part of a business’ repertoire regardless of size. Did you know 91% of the search engine market belongs to Google? (gs.statcounter, 2021) Clearly, Google is an internet behemoth!

Increase business leads through targeted ads. These ads can be targeted to the location of your business or any geographical location. Tell us your business goals and objectives, and Team Phun will build your campaign around specific keywords that web
users are more likely to use to find your business.

Use your dashboard access to view the number of clicks on your ad by consumers, the keywords that web users entered, how many customers contacted your company from the ad, and what number went on to make purchases. You can even see the times and days that consumers are searching for your brand/product/services. Feedback reports give Team Phun the necessary information to make modifications that will facilitate more successful ads
Get started by creating a Google Ads campaign through Team Phun’s digital services platform!